Friday, March 18, 2011

Alternative-Renewable Energy Solution-Invention-Investment | Scottsdale, Az.

The highest form of positive product sponsorship exposure is attracting attention with a 55 year old man who can be racing any form of motorsports, at any level....( I have the talent, and previous pro-level motocross experience (on a shoe string budget), but it takes money and 12-24 months of "seat time" to get to that level. 480-241-2331

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Why the U.S. "green economy" people don't care about a REAL solution for alternative energy

Genesis 1:1 (New King James Version)

Genesis 1

The History of Creation
 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

and foolish men spend $ billions every year trying to find the answer out in space, or in fossils, while people on earth are starving...
Or worse yet, brainwashing young children to believe that everything was created by "chance" and that they should believe that they are worthless because we are all just evolved animals that are going no further than the day these people promoting this garbage will answer to God for what they are doing.

A very simple principle to understand (for most people), simple or complex things are created, and that no incredibly complex human can exist without being created (design equals a creator), and it would take a moron to think that the human body could exist without design. Every part of the human body has to work correctly the first time, a heart, lungs, brain, eyes, etc. do not have the luxury to "evolve over time" and where would the evolutionary starting point be for a heart, for example ? There is no where to evolve because you are dead....
if an eye isn't completely functional the first time, you are blind ( and blind people are not "survival of the fittest", according to evolutionists)...if you really thought about Darwin Evolution, it is so ludicrous it is not even worth debate...UNLESS you get your own rebellion against God mixed into the equation, then you have rational thought blocked by an inability to be accountable to God.